Dealing With Leg Vein Swelling? 3 Methods To Help Reduce The Swelling

8 August 2023
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog


If your veins have started to swell, the first thing you need to do is schedule an appointment with your doctor. If left untreated for too long, swelling can damage the veins in your legs. Once you've contacted a doctor, there are some self-care methods you can use to reduce the swelling in your legs. One of the benefits of these methods is you can use them along with the treatment your doctor prescribes. If you're not sure how to care for your swollen leg veins, read the list below. Here are three tips that will help relieve the pressure. 

Increase Your Daily Exercise

If you don't get much exercise, it's time for a change. Daily exercise is a great way to stay healthy. It's also a great way to reduce the swelling in your veins. Daily exercise helps get the blood flowing to your legs. The extra blood flow helps relieve swelling in your veins. Daily exercise also helps you maintain a healthy weight. You might not know it, but carrying around extra weight can add pressure to your leg veins. Losing weight will reduce leg vein swelling. 

Change the Socks You Wear

If you're not wearing compression stockings, now's the time to add them to your self-care routine. Ordinary socks protect your feet, but they don't do anything to protect your veins. That's where compression stockings come into the picture. Compression stockings apply firm pressure to your legs. The added pressure helps squeeze your veins. The pressure also allows more blood to flow throughout your body. If you're not sure what type of compression stockings to buy, talk to your doctor. They can help you choose the stockings that are right for your veins. 

Get More Blood to Your Legs

If you've got swollen leg veins, there's a good chance that you're not getting enough blood to your legs. That can happen when you sit or stand for too long. It can also happen if you wear clothing that's too tight around the waist. If your leg veins are swollen, don't sit or stand for too long. Instead, change positions throughout the day. If you do need to sit or stand for too long, try moving around a bit. Walk in place while you're standing. If you're sitting, uncross your legs and wiggle your feet. The extra movement will get the blood flowing. Also, wear clothing that doesn't constrict your waist.

For more information, contact a company like the Center For Advanced Vein Care.