3 Surprising Facts About Sleep Apnea

23 October 2018
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog


Most people are surprised to learn that sleep is an imperative part of your physical and emotional wellness. From having the energy and focus to complete normal everyday activities to feeling well enough to socialize and be content, it is easy to see the benefits of getting enough sleep. Unfortunately, many people suffer from disorders that affect their ability to sleep in the most effective manner possible. Sleep apnea is one sleep disorder that can wreak havoc on your physical and emotional wellness. With this post, you will learn a few surprising facts about this sleep disorder.

It's More Common Than You Think

One of the most surprising facts you should know is that the disorder is more common than you would think. If you were recently diagnosed with sleep apnea, rest easy in knowing you are not alone.

On average, 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea.  You may think only adults are diagnosed with sleep apnea, but that is also not true. The disorder can affect anyone at any age including babies, children, teens, adults, and senior citizens.

Snoring Is Not the Only Sign

Snoring IS a common symptom of sleep apnea. However, it is not the only symptom. In addition, just because you or a loved one snores, does not necessarily mean you have sleep apnea.

Periodic lapses in your breathing is actually the main sign you have sleep apnea. You may not realize you are stopping breathing while asleep, but your spouse, partner, or sleep study therapist will be able to tell you are having these breathing lapses.

If you wake up from sleep gasping for air, you most likely have sleep apnea, as well.

Other signs of sleep apnea include the following:

  • Dry mouth when waking up
  • Headaches in the morning and through the day
  • Daytime fatigue/sleepiness
  • Inability to fall and stay asleep
  • Irritability

If you snore loudly and are experiencing any of the above signs, schedule a sleep study today.

It Can Be Dangerous

Another surprising fact that you need to know is that untreated sleep apnea can be incredibly dangerous.

Without treatment, sleep apnea can increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, depression, and even diabetes. Of course, losing your ability to breathe, even for a few short moments while asleep, can be life-threatening.

If you or a loved one are showing any signs of sleep apnea, consult your doctor immediately. After a simple sleep study, the right treatment can be prescribed to help you live a healthy lifestyle.