Two Signs That You Might Have An Undiagnosed Allergy

25 July 2018
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog


There are some people who are born with allergies that are discovered not long after their birth. These individuals grow up knowing all about their allergy so they know what to avoid and how to tell when it's flaring up.

However, even after entering adulthood, there's still a chance that you could come down with an adult onset allergy issue. If you've never had any kind of experience with allergies, you might not even be able to tell that this is what you're dealing with. Read through the following symptoms, and if any of them sound familiar, it's time to head over to an allergy specialist for a check-up.

You Deal With Digestive Issues After Consuming Certain Foods

If you eat a particular food item and find that it always seems to leave you with digestive discomfort, you should be careful not to ignore it. That bloated stomach, heartburn, or diarrhea might be easily treatable with over-the-counter medications, but it could be possible for you to eliminate these bothersome symptoms completely if you cut certain foods out of your diet.

The best way for you to catch this symptom is to pay attention to how you feel after a meal. After you've isolated which foods are causing the problem, take them out of your diet for a period of time, and see if the flare-up happens again.

If you notice that those digestive issues which seemed to always plague you to no end before completely disappear, you know that you've found the culprit.

Skin Reveals So Much

You should also pay careful attention to the way that your skin looks. When you put on certain perfumes or lotions, do red blotches or other discolorations appear? Has excessive dryness become a daily companion no matter how much you moisturize both within and without?

It just might be that your soap or deodorant contains a certain dye or scent that is an irritant to you. Covering over the skin irritation with makeup and excessive bronzers isn't going to do much to get to the root of the problem. You should get over to an allergy specialist and let them give you a thorough evaluation to see what the source of your discomfort is.

If you find out that you have an allergy it's vital for you to stay in hope. Make an appointment with an allergy specialist to find out more about your possible condition and to discuss any available treatment options.