2 Alternative Treatments For Insomnia For People Who Don't Want Sleeping Pills

16 December 2016
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog


If you are having trouble sleeping, and you are not crazy about taking sleeping pills, then you should consider some alternative ideas to get to sleep. It's not a great idea to get reliant upon sleeping pills. You want to figure out a healthy, non-pharmaceutical way to get restful sleep. Below are two different options that are available and that you should investigate.

Minerals and Herbs

Just because you don't want to take sleeping pills doesn't mean you should avoid all pills. The particular pills you should add into your daily regimen include one mineral and one herb. The mineral is magnesium. If you eat a diet that is rich in dark greens or nuts, then you probably get a lot of magnesium, but many people could do with more because their diets are lacking greens, nuts, and other magnesium-rich foods. This mineral not only helps calm you down, it's also helpful in preventing muscle cramps. You can get a pill and take it in the evening before you go to sleep. The mineral works its magic to help you sleep by working with GABA receptors, which aid you in calming down and going to sleep.

The main herb you should consider is Valerian. While some people might be familiar with chamomile tea, many are not as familiar with Valerian. This is something of a super herb. There are studies that have linked the herb to lowered blood pressure, a sense of calm, and, key to this discussion, a beneficial aid in dealing with insomnia. The one thing you need to know about this herb is that it really stinks. So, instead of getting it in tea form, like you might with chamomile, you may want to get the pills.

Ayurvedic Treatment

If you have tried herbal remedies and minerals and vitamins, and have found no relief, then it is time to visit an ayurevedic practitioner. These specialists are trained in an ancient Indian system of healing that encompasses massage, herbs, diet, and meditation. They can help deal with a whole body problem that can manifest issues such as insomnia. They might help you by massaging energy points (known as marma points) and this can free up blocked energy. Sometimes they massage using essential oils that have the added benefit of providing aromatherapy. It's a whole body and mind approach that can help figure out the underlying issue and help treat you without resorting to pharmaceuticals.